



A journey 

through breath, movement, visualization and sound 

to awaken your energetic body and activate your

Authentic Voice 

Your Authentic Voice is…

your truest expression of who you are, and who you’re becoming

It is connected to your Heart’s deepest desires, and your Soul’s purpose for being here. 

It powerfully expresses your unique self,

and supports you to connect with others in authentic ways.

Your Authentic Voice attracts your true belonging.

The spaces and experiences in which you feel seen and supported to grow,

and the people with whom you’ll create new worlds.

Your Authentic Voice communicates your essence, your unique imprint and speaks your visions to life.


How It Works 


The Technology

Your Authentic Voice is activated by awakening your energetic body

Your energetic body - made up of various energy centers called chakras - is a highly intelligent system that reflects and regulates your vitality. It maps your overall well being - energetically, emotionally, even mentally and physically. 

Your energetic body reflects your unique vibration. It has an awareness of how your past and present experiences affect your energy. And it contains technology that allows you to regulate it - by energetically clearing blockages and connecting with higher levels of consciousness.

Through exploring the energetic body you can connect with yourself on deeper levels, and unlock wisdom and insights that remind you of who you are and where you’re going.


The Flow 


The Flow

Authentic Voice Activation is an 8 week journey of 8 Activation Sessions and 4 Integration Sessions.

Activation Sessions

Every Sunday we deep dive into a specific chakra with an Activation Session.

Thru breath, movement, sound and visualization you’ll explore:

  • What vibration and energy you carry in this chakra

  • The lived experiences and Stories you hold in this energetic area

  • The developmental stages, challenges and opportunities the chakra represents that can help you navigate your journey of growth and evolution

At the close of the session you will receive Questions for Contemplation to explore:

  • What areas within this chakra need light, so they can be healed and released

  • What seeds you can plant in this chakra to support healthy, balanced and abundant expression in this area

Integration Sessions

Every 2 weeks we’ll gather on Thursday evening for an Integration Session - space for you to process and share your experiences of Ava in your day-to-day life. Each session focuses on 2 chakras, we explore how they relate to and feed into each other.

Activation Sessions and Integration Sessions are designed to work together. Activation Sessions are for embodied, active exploration and Integration Sessions are for processing and sharing your experiences.

Check out the weekly themes to see what we’ll be exploring each week…

Weekly Themes

Week 1 - ROOT

  • Creating safety in your body and being

  • Affirming your right to be here, take up space and meet your basic needs

  • Rooting to cultivate a sound foundation for growth

Week 2 - SACRAL

  • Learning to flow with your internal waters

  • Connecting with and expressing your emotions

  • Activating desire as a powerful space for inspiration and creation


  • Exploring the power of a healthy ego - a container that can support you to act on your needs and desires in the world

  • Establishing boundaries for creation and expansion (versus restriction, isolation)

  • Embracing your internal sun, and your willingness to shine and be seen

Week 4 - HEART

  • Tuning into and loving on your inner child 

  • Healing heartbreak and self abandonment in love

  • Strengthening your ability to authentically love self and others

  • Listening into your Heart’s deepest desires

Week 5 - THROAT

  • Opening to receive your own wisdom, intuition, knowing

  • Channeling energy into what and how you express in the world

  • Experiencing the vibration (physical, energetic) of your authentic expression

Week 6 - THIRD EYE

  • Honing visualization as a powerful tool of creation

  • Elevating to see your journey and Story to date - where you’ve been, where you are today

  • Visualizing where you’re going - and integrating that vision into your present day

Week 7 - CROWN

  • Meeting your Divine Council - your spiritual team here to guide you in the manifestation of your most authentically expressed life 

  • Connecting - on a Soul level - to your reason for being here

  • Aligning your vision - and the expression of your vision - with divine wisdom and guidance


  • Gathering the energy of all 7 chakras at the throat to energetically and physically awaken and activate your Authentic Voice

  • Speaking with your Authentic Voice - with self and others 

  • Feeling its frequency, imprinting it on your being

  • Moving in the world with your Authentic Voice to experience shifts and openings in life


The Benefits 


Communicating with your Authentic Voice is a powerful and life expanding experience. It has an unmistakable frequency and vibration that - once activated - can be called on at any time to speak into existence that which you want to create.

You’ll start to experience your Authentic Voice as a magnetic force that gifts clarity and attracts opportunities, situations and people who share your vision and desire to bring it to life.

From there the practice is to observe and experiment with how your voice moves your world, and the world.

You have something valuable to say and contribute - based on your gifts and your unique lived experiences. There are people who want to hear and are actually waiting for your message. You have missing pieces that can help them bring their visions to life. And they have the same for you. Together - authentically expressed - we can manifest both our individual and shared visions.


How to Join 



There are 2 ways to join Authentic Voice Activation…

Option 1

Sign up for the full 8 week journey at a discounted price. Register by clicking the button below.

Option 2

Sign up for individual sessions. Register by clicking the button below.

Option 1 is highly recommended so that you experience the full activation. However, we’re happy for you to join at any point in the journey. Check out the full schedule and times below. Session recordings will be available if you’re not able to attend the live sessions. 

The Schedule

Week 1 : Activation Session 1, Root : Sunday, Oct 22, 2023

Week 2 : Activation Session 2, Sacral : Sunday, Oct 29, 2023

Integration Session (Root, Sacral) : Thursday, Nov 2, 2023

Week 3 : Activation Session 3, Solar Plexus : Sunday, Nov 5, 2023

Week 4 : Activation Session 4, Heart : Sunday, Nov 12, 2023

Integration Session (Solar Plexus, Heart) : Thursday, Nov 16, 2023

Week 5 : Activation Session 5, Throat : Nov 19, 2023

Week 6 : Activation Session 6, Third Eye : Nov 26, 2023

Integration Session (Throat, Third Eye) : Thursday, Nov 30th, 2023

Week 7 : Activation Session 7, Crown : Dec 3, 2023

Week 8 : Activation Session 8, Authentic Voice Activation : Dec 10, 2023

Integration Session and Closing : Dec 14, 2023  

Please Note:

  • All Activation Sessions take place on Sundays at 2pm EST (11am LA, 12Noon Mexico, 8pm Europe)

  • All Integration Sessions happen on Thursdays at 7pm EST (4pm LA, 5pm Mexico, 1am Europe)

  • Sessions are 1.5 Hours *Integration Sessions may extend to 2 hours, time permitting


A Message

from Hosanna 


Authentic Voice Activation draws from an 18 year career creating and facilitating experiences for discovery and transformation. Through various projects - self development programming, documentary filmmaking, creative production and community creation - I have led individuals, communities and large organizations through processes that have led to authentic expression, expansion and growth …

What motivates and inspires me (and my creations) is the notion that we’re all here to grow and evolve. Both as individual humans on our paths, and as communities. As the world shifts and changes - and the systems we’ve lived under reach their limits - who we evolve into is key. 

I am passionate about creating intentional spaces and experiences that support us to evolve consciously. To know ourselves and each other on deeper levels and - from that expanded awareness - to create new ways of living that support us not just to survive, but to thrive

For me, activating my Authentic Voice has been transformational. It’s helped me to align with my purpose and to know my place in the collective evolution we’re experiencing. To create space for deeper connection, and to support folks in their own process of transformation thru awakening their authentic expression.   

My Authentic Voice is calling in…

A vibrant community of creators and collaborators. 

I see us merging our skills and visions to co-create new worlds. 

Worlds that bridge us to a brilliant future, 

centered in liberation, expression, abundance and joy.

I look forward to this journey with you.


Ready? Let’s Begin…